Shares in issue: 79.1 million 10p Ordinary Shares

Major shareholders’ information

  Number of Ordinary Shares Percentage of issued share capital
Octopus Investments Nominees Limited 12,537,155 15.84%
Charles Stanley Group PLC 5,059,479 6.39%
Investec Wealth & Investment Limited 4,725,877 5.97%
Rathbone Brothers PLC 3,307,961 4.18%
Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management (Inst) 3,059,955 3.87%
BlackRock 2,863,973 3.62%
Hargreaves Lansdown 2,668,903 3.37%
Polar Capital 2,397,722 3.03%

There are no shares held in treasury and, insofar as the Company is aware, the percentage of AIM securities that is not in public hands is 0.15%.

The information above is being disclosed for the purposes of AIM Rule 26 and was last updated on 7 May 2024